Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 17: 31 Days of Pure Fitness

Long day yesterday.  Didn't get to work out till about 11:20pm because of my job right now.   I love it just have to find a good time to finish my work out.

Today was great I am on level 3 and it's my second day!  Pushing myself to feel change is tough! I'm sweaty and gross and still learning to catch my breath in the midst of cardio.  I keep fighting past the struggling point!

Keep fighting for the things you want in life.  I think a lot about my ladies church group "Flourish" and the lessons I've learned through the word.  If we position ourselves for God to move in our lives, God will fight for us! He will go before us, He will stand behind us and guard us! Sometimes it doesn't feel like the struggle is not even worth it, and like I've said before, we may not find ourselves in the life and blessings that we thought God might have given us but rather fighting through the struggle. The attitude of a thankful heart is pleasing to God!  And if we do keep moving forward, fighting for our God given dreams in God's will. It is SO WORTH it! So don't quit, because the end result, the will of God in our lives is worth the fight even if we can't see what's ahead. Have faith! In God's perfect timing He will allow the right people, opportunities and our dreams to "Flourish" in Him.  Just like working out the end result can be astonishing and you feel great! Don't Quit!

Keep Fighting, Stay Strong, Don't Quit! Endure


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