Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 12: 31 Days of Pure Fitness

Okay so it was a long night last night I stayed up pretty late working on a project.  Plus sometimes I just can't sleep.  My creative mind was at work  had to draw and journal.  So luckily I got called off of work and didn't have to go in till 1pm! Yay God!  I got to sleep in!

Before work I did my work out.  I have to say that doing it earlier in the day I don't feel as tired going to bed.  It was a great work out as always, I can really feel my muscles working hard.  Also my shoulder is progressively feeling better! Believing for complete healing!  It's been so long since I've worked out that I didn't realize I cut cold turkey so my shoulder never warmed up to physical activities after healing in 9 weeks.  But working out has been like physical therapy for my shoulder now even more so that I bought my heating/cool pack! It's nice before and after the work out!

These first two levels are building me up to the final level.  Which I will do the last two weeks to make it a little challenging and adding my second routine for the day! I got my 21 day trial work out in the mail today excited to start tomorrow! Yay! Working out! Plus I need to ask about going to the indoor rec pool here in Parker.  Living where I do say I can get in for free. But I'm starting to think it's just for a community pool.  Anyway I want to start swimming vs. running.  Haha cardio but without all the sweat.  Plus I think it will be great therapy for my lungs and easy on the joints! Loving it! Thank you Jesus!

Keep Going! Stay Strong! Don't Quit!


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