Sunday, March 30, 2014
Day 30: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
WOW yay we did it friends!! Last day of working out! I have enjoyed reading everyones blogs this year :D I am so excited that we committed to finish something I have always been that person in life. Who quits before I can see the results.
It has not been an easy journey but when we decide to quit in our walk with God we find ourselves dealing with the same things again because there is an action we missed that God is telling us to be obedient in. I don't want to be that person anymore and I am NOT that person anymore! God has taught me how to prioritize and discipline myself in things He wants for me and not myself trying to control His plans.
I love this! "Adventure Awaits" yes! After this I am going forward and still running my first half marathon this summer with ladies from my church. I think of God this way there is something new awaiting everyday and I do not want to miss out! Walking out the obedience He has placed on my mind or heart I want to do this right! So keep going my friends! There is so much in life in loving others and enjoying the journey! It's my adventure it's your adventure! Let's give it all we have to see peoples lives change for God's Kingdom :D
Keep Going! Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Endure!
adventure awaits,
don't give up,
don't quit,
last day,
mind over matter,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong,
work hard
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Day 29: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
March 29, 2014 HAPPY 27TH ANNIVERSARY to my mami and papi! Lucio & Cesia Garcia! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Shout out to the most wonderful parents in the world who worked hard to give my brothers and I the best they could. They are God fearing, strong willed, funny, spanglish speaking, crazy, family oriented parents who love their kids with all their heart! So grateful to you mami and papi! God couldn't have given me anyone better to raise me in a loving home where you taught us right from wrong. Yes we may have been rebels and not obeyed or listened to all your instructions right away but you let us learn from our mistakes as we got older. I'm glad that God let us go through what we have as a family because I wouldn't be the person I am today.
Know that I pray for you two and watch as God continues to work in your lives and I see your love for each other grow everyday, well not exactly see, but hear when we talk on the phone. I MISS you all always but only a 3 hour flight away ;) haha... Still waiting for you to come visit me in Colorado!
I did my work out before bed! I just wanted to write about my parents who I love dearly!
Keep Going! Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Endure!
Friday, March 28, 2014
Day 28: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Today I m proud of myself working on the advanced moves in my workout to feel my muscles work in full capacity. It was a pain! LOL I was really motivated to push myself today.
I really love this acronym of HOPE. "Hold on, pain ends." What I have learned in my walk with God is that, hope like faith is believing that at the end of the road there is breakthrough, the silver lining, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even though you can't see it in the midst of the pain. I am sure we have all had moments big and small that have rocked our world thinking where is God in all this mess? Right?
If I told you that God works together all things good for those who seek Him. I mean I don't exactly know the verse at this moment... I'd have to look it up haha :D I think in Romans 8. But that is the way I paraphrase it in my head ever since I heard it. No matter what is going on, where you find yourself struggling financially, in relationships, school, sickness, emotionally, or whatever seems to have you in a rut. God will use this to shape your character and help you to rely on Him.
One thing at my small group that I learned was spoken during discussion is that we have a choice to dwell in the fear, or the bad things that the devil puts in our heads and let it "marinate" if you would. Joyce Meyers book "Battle of the Mind field" is just that where it all begins in our thoughts but we have choice to stop it there. But like the other day where for a moment I freaked out about finances. I hated that feeling and I seriously immediately said NO God has it under control! Because He does! I have hope through this situation :D
I have learned to have a God faith and hope. Why? I always think that since before the day I was in my mothers womb even before the bible says God had a plan for me and is always showing me the next step. I don't think I've ever had it easy growing up. But I am sooo thankful because I would never be grateful for where God has me at this moment. I would never had learned to appreciate the littlest or simplest things in life. I love it!
I can't count on my fingers how many times I've had to hold onto God because He gave me a hope to the whatever situation was. It may not always be the greatest feeling it has made me sick before to my stomach, but NEVER has God failed me!
Like working out. Once you get to the point where it is hurting, you just need to push through for those few reps left and the pain is gone. Then it means we need to move to the next level so that we can continue to feel our body change for the best. We build stamina, endurance and burn all that excess fat off!
Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Keep Going! Endure!
don't give up,
don't quit,
keep going,
push it to the limit,
stay strong,
work hard
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Day 27: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
This is amazing! Day 27! I feel so great! I'm not gonna brag but my arms are definitely starting to tone up from all my plank poses, mountain climbers, and push ups even traveling push ups!!! Those traveling push ups make it so hard to breathe! My summer goal is going to happen! Keeping motivated by looking at some cute outfits :D yup fashion a secret that every girl has haha... clothing is addicting but I have managed to not splurge especially since I don't have a budget for it! LOL I thrive off of pinterest on my dream wardrobe haha Salvation Army does it for me... I always find a cute dress! SPRING is coming a new season!
Tonight was another incredible night for our ladies group from Thrive Church. Flourish where our amazing Pastor's wife speaks life to us Hannah Ouellette! Woman of God anointed in speaking truth from the bible and keeping it real! So I've drawn a lot of inspiration from this quote.
This week has been such a stressful week especially this morning! Tonight was some more affirmation from God for me in my journey! Financial stresses are just the devil!!! LOL for real!!! Most everyone can relate right?!?! My family has always struggled in some major form. Now I'm believing for some major breakthrough!!! There said and done!!! God knows my heart and has met my every need and I am being faithful!
So Hannah said something that she has experienced in her personal life journeying with God walking it out in obedience. She said "The greatest attacks come after a moment of our greatest obedience." Yes I can totally relate so I have been journeying this walk this past year really relying on God to lead and direct every step and like I've mentioned before it is not easy. God has made it known to me that I am where I am supposed to be and continues to shape my character.
The most recent attack came after our best gift offering for our upcoming Easter service. It was a huge way to hear from God and take a risk, a leap of faith because it matters that our community will join us to hear the gospel! Well I remember that day Pastor Jake said that God would bless us being faithful and it may or may not be financially for some. I remember that moment sinking in my heart that God wants me to trust Him because again another way for me to put my complete reliance on Him because I would be vulnerable and I am going to need His strength.
Tonight God just confirmed it Hannah said "We give so that we may advance His kingdom not to get" "Are we obeying God to get or obeying God to obey?!?!" Not saying that blessings are bad, but for me I thought at times what can my motivation be? Just like "actions speak louder than words" me acting in obedience to God was my motivation because if it's just for that one person who needs to hear about Jesus then it was totally worth it!
... so back to my stressful week... yes work wasn't easy and I had a cushion from my taxes, but my income isn't even half of all the bills I have to pay and still catching up! This morning I arranged more payment plans for school, medical payments (only because I didn't know my insurance deductible was so high :/ ), phone, etc. Life right? That moment I was finishing my conversation I just felt so sick and was crying! I was like what the heck? God I am being faithful... and not in a selfish way because I love what God is teaching me! And I just finished learning about not complaining in the season God has us in haha... But I'm human and just for a few seconds I cried and I was like NO! Speak life God you know my heart you have met my every need and you will give me my breakthrough! God just surrounded me at that moment! I was like okay God! I am following you and I am choosing to speak life because I know who you have called me to be and have witnessed miracles in my life because of your grace I am where I am! I am humbled to be here!
And as Hannah was teaching us... a few ladies started speaking about their journey! I was like yes AMEN! They are dealing with similar things. While they were talking to the group God was just speaking to me about this and I just was just speechless because I know there was so much life spoken tonight! The message was about Breakthrough and one great point is "it begins in our mind"..."You are one shovel away from a breakthrough." 2 Kings 3:3-20. "Human action prepares the way for supernatural favor!" Wow just this entire week God is just tying it all together the meaning of walking in obedience is our action not our intentions!
I was feeling so talkative tonight in my head... blogging is journaling to me right now :D Thanks for taking the time to read this rather lengthy post!
So how do you tie this in to working out? Our decisions to become healthy are acting on them, choosing to workout for 30 minutes a day, eating healthy, and staying accountable! Our actions will help define our future to a healthier lifestyle and eventually reach our personal goals in fitness training. It starts in our mind and then we have to choose to keep going.
Keep Going! Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Endure!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Day 26: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
OMG this month flew by! We are almost done my friends for whatever your challenges are. I love reading them! I wish I could comment more! Today's work out felt great! I need to start stepping up the challenge! I was bummed out my second work out didn't pan out. I got it and there was no sound to the DVD what so ever. I'm not bummed though because I think this one month is building me up for some more. I really will continue after this month and I maybe I'll keep posting some updates :D
Yesterday I talked a little bit of laziness. I think about the quote above. For me there is a clear difference. Of giving up something in certain situations vs. being laziness and not even trying. Giving up means you at least tried it and wanted it to work right? But letting go can be the most difficult. Why? Because we want control, our pride, fear, feelings and emotions, we could be scared to get hurt. I've felt all these things. As girls we tend to get attached a little easier. ESPECIALLY when it comes to boys! Haha... well I've had two and the only relationships of my life and were the most awful things ever because I couldn't let go even after all the RED FLAGS would go up and God would warn me this is not good for you, this is not what I want for you!!! Warning!! Well of course I learned from them! I started really seeking God's will in my life and learning to understand what a real relationship with my father was, that led to great friends, my communication skills increased with my family, and I have not dated anyone for about 4 or 5 years now! WOW right when I really look at it maybe there is something wrong with me! :( NO! That is what the devil wants you to think! I just have pretty high standard, high morals, I am not at all high maintenance! LOL seriously if and when I date my future husband I am totally okay with not spending money it's the creativity of the date that counts!
God has taught and continually teaching me something about myself every day, week, year. Sure I have had moments that a guy may pursue me in such a great innocent way and I respond and sometimes it feels good to be loved, wanted and actually made feel like girl haha. But knowing when it isn't right and letting it go too far letting go is the wisest thing to do! It can be hard because the good guys are usually taken or have so much potential but God's Best is STILL out there ladies! All my single ladies holla! Walking in obedience, seeking guidance in your relationships is so healthy! It makes me so grateful for God speaking to me and giving me the best family and friends! God will get your attention when you know He/she is the one ladies and gentlemen guys this can apply to your life too don't settle for some crazy girl. Well if you do make sure it's the kind of cray cray you love haha...
And when we let go and let God! We will never be disappointed! Oh man God is so good! I am learning to trust Him with all my heart! He gives me an unending joy!
For working out that just means knowing your limits! You do not want to end up with some injury because you wanted to push yourself to a breaking point. Knowing those limits will set you up for success! It doesn't make you weak you know your own body and how you feel and how far you can push your self. You should give everything you have so you can feel the change in your body but let there should be a balance. I can't wait to keep going!
Stay Strong! Keep Going! Don't Quit! Endure!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Day 25: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Okay finally caught up on posting! I could have posted my one yesterday I had plenty of time I just got caught up with other work. So you always hear that saying. "Nothing good ever came that easy" well at least that's how I always heard it in my head. Haha...
So I love this saying straight to the point! "Work Hard, Dream Big" or vice versa. You can't really have one without the other. Right? I find myself with these small projects but in a bigger spectrum they actually matter. Why? Because the bible says that if you are faithful in the little things then we are capable of being handed more in Gods kingdom. Being lazy can be real easy! Sometimes I find myself frustrated if I sleep in because I didn't get to all my "to do's." The more I realize that God is putting on my plate I have to pray for wisdom and strength. I have to work still and do all my daily tasks. I always find myself wishing I had more time in the day to do certain things. My goal is waking up early and actually staying up not falling back to sleep haha... The harder I work, I find that God gives me desires that I never had before or expanding the dreams I have let die or whither. God gives me new life every day! I am so thankful! I want my efforts to honor God and honestly just the feeling of accomplishment is so good, it may be a big check off my list or something small but working hard pays off! It makes it that much closer to the best God has in our lives!
Just like working out, laziness is not an options. It's our action that makes us in better shape not our intention of wanting to work out that will never get us anywhere! I remember my old pastor saying that he could want to work out and even tell someone hey you should go run and expect to see results?? Yeah right! You will still have that beer belly hanging! LOL. You physically have to move your butt and go run, swim, walk, jog, plays sports, or go to the gym at least 30 minutes a day. Start small don't kill yourself you will eventually build endurance to keep going! I know I have and it will pay off! Summer swim suit is calling my name! :D
Stay Strong! Keep Going! Don't Quit! Endure!
don't quit,
dream big,
keep going,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong,
work hard
Monday, March 24, 2014
Day 24: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
So here I am day 24. Okay it went by so fast! We have guests in the house so I wasn't able to jump too much cause I didn't want to wake them. I stayed up pretty late. With the seasons changing I have found that allergies make it hard to breathe. But I am okay in Jesus name!!! Proclaiming healthy lungs!!!
So I think about working out and all last week God has been teaching me that I need to move my butt and apply for schools in nursing! I keep thinking I am not going to make it out of fear or whatever this is! I am so scared but everyday God tells me I need to just "Go Do." I am so glad I waited to post a day later. My worship leader Jamie Klusacek sent us a nugget out of 1 Samuel 13. Pretty much gave me affirmation that although our intentions may be great or in the right mind our actions are what determine our future. Whether we do it because we want to control our own lives or God lead every step of the way. Now I have done both! I have to say that listening to God is far better! Every time I listen to God I find myself finding victory in life! My mountain top! Yes I have struggled a lot through life but when we get to that top it was well worth it and makes it that much more humbling! When God says "Go Do" you go! You have no idea what will be waiting on the other side of that Mountain or on top which ever way you want to see it. The promises and dreams that you pray for and align in Gods will are those moments where I feel so complete and so overwhelmed because without Him I don't know where I would be! When we let God lead we don't know what we are capable of! Changing this world one day at a time for His kingdom! Your life will never be the same when you let God just lead you!
So when you want to work out! Work Out! It is so worth it! Grab a buddy put on that 80s pop music on your phone or iPod or MP3 or whatever and go do! I blast my music and it helps to think of other things, because if your are pushing yourself you will feel the burn!
Stay Strong! Keep Going! Don't Quit! Endure!
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Day 23: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
I kind of didn't realize how much I actually really like to write on blog! I've been thinking well can I actually keep it up after the blogrimage is over? Maybe not everyday? Maybe? IDK I'm still praying about it haha.
As I was doing my work out all I could think about even through the torture of it all how worth it, it will all be in the end! AND even though it may not be the most fun thing while I am doing. I can say that I do love it like a love/hate relationship. Because although it's tough, draining, and work. The thought of being where I want to be physically, and live a healthy lifestyle it has its perks.
I thought well how awesome is it that God has completely changed my life in way that even though the trials, circumstances, chaotic messes, drama, financial stresses and tribulation, I am completely in awe of who He is and how through it all He uses it all to work out for my good! God's grace is over my life and I am so THANKFUL that He protects me and guides me in to His perfect will whether I listen right away or it takes me second time around. I know that He will always be with me!
So I smile because no matter how tough life can be I know it will only build my character while testing my faith and gives me the endurance to shape who God has made me!
Keep Going! Don't Quit! Stay Strong! Endure!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Day 22: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
So here I am caught up on writing! It's easy to fall behind even if it's only one day but two days I was starting to think I wasn't going to be able to post! I have other commitments as well that require my time during the week.
One of my favorite authors C.S. Lewis. Well said "There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." God has been taking me on a journey through life leaving so many things behind and moving forward can be hard but the sacrifice is well worth it especially if it is to honor God and His kingdom! Every day I am so blessed that Gods grace covers me no matter where I go! The journey along the way is hard but the reward is far greater whether here on earth or our crowns in heaven.
How does this relate to fitness! Well first I didn't feel sore the last couple of days and wondered am I pushing myself enough?? I was off balance the last couple of days but my muscles were still burning during the workout. I was actually so happy today! I noticed that my back was sore and not like my bad back but my muscles! I don't think I have every felt that! Let me tell you doing planks and plank push ups and moving push up and mountain climbers will work your back muscles and shoulders to the core! So I am so glad that I am feeling sore now I was getting worried these last couple of days were crazy and I am so tired before bed but I still push myself to work out! So I'm leaving my old way behind and looking to get fit that is a far better reward! I'm willing to fight for it! Are you?
Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Keep Going! Endure!
don't quit,
keep going,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong,
Friday, March 21, 2014
Day 21: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Today was a special day! Courtney Mock my friend will be turning 24 next week! She is not easily surprised or scared! BUT I and some of her friends really tried to pull this off along with her husband Bobby Mock.
I wanted her to have a special birthday hanging out with her friends who love her! We watched the movie Divergent at 7pm and then after that we went to a great pizza that fired on a wood stove paddle thing at a bar here in Parker but it was fun! So funny story when Holly, Bobby and I were going to kidnap her and put her in a car to drive away! I was well hid she had no idea! But in her amazing peripheral vision she saw a dark haired Mexican and quickly knew it was me but I blind folded her anyway! She yelled we are being kidnapped by Mexicans! hahaha!! She didn't stop there as Bobby walker her to the Carl and Holly's car she knew by the smell and felt around the car and their snowboards were sticking out the backseat and immediately yelled we are in the Nelson's car! LOL oh Courtney! She is too smart for us LOL! We made her wear the blind fold all the way to the theatre until she sat down! Saw all our friends' wonderful faces! It was a great night ended with food and cupcakes that was shaped in a bookworm because she loves to read! Good times. Memories. Friends. Never gets old!
So about my work out. We stayed out super late! It was about 12:45am when I got home. I still worked out!!!! I was sooo tired that I wiped off and crashed! I am committed to this working out!
Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Keep Going! Endure!
baby steps,
keep going,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong,
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Day 20: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Sorry its been such a crazy last week just catching up on these post now don't worry I have still been working out like usual pushing myself!
Today I was losing my balance. I have already been doing level 3 but, for some reason I was feeling pretty weak in my stances trying to adjust to the workout. It was pretty frustrating because I wanted to do my best and it didn't feel like I was. My DVD was also acting up so it def was not motivating.
I'm thankful that I've basically memorized the routine but only to the key words so I know what is coming. I thought about how sometimes in life the devil will do things to try and throw you off balance and throw different circumstances at you. Or like someone telling you that you aren't good enough making you feel like you can never make it. I want to tell you that and myself that these are lies of the devil! If you are more than capable then work had for it! I love today's inspirational quote that says "Nothing Great Ever Came That Easy"
I realize that where I am now hasn't been the easiest journey but God says in the bible that the road wouldn't be easy and that life would be hard traveling that long and narrow road. How easy it is to let the devil try and throw you off balance and still we have to keep going! I know that it can be frustrating but instead of trying to find an escape trust in GOD that He will guide us in the right direction and lead us to the next step in our journey.
Keep Going! Don't Quit! Stay Strong! Endure!
baby steps,
don't quit,
keep going,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong,
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Day 19 : 31 Days of Pure Finess
Find myself doing my work outs right before bed. So I can only post in the mornings. :)
Yesterday was great I really pushed myself. The strength moves are not any harder but when done right and you push your body to stay in the move you feel the burn... literally! Really working my shoulders, core and leg muscles. I'm starting to realize how addicting working out can be! I am hooked! 21 days makes a habit and I think even though that is 2 days away I am eager to meet the mark because my mind wants to keep on going! My emotions can sometimes drive my mood in working out like if I am happy I am overwhelmingly excited to do the work out and if I am upset the tension in my body is worse but I def feel the burn.
I look to God for everything in my life and love how He is so faithful to His word and giving me promises to come and ones accomplished in my life. Looking back there are no regrets in life. Because I may or may not have made the friends I have in the last couple of years. Everything happens for a reason!
Today I was thinking that how awesome God is! He protects my heart so much whether I may know it or not. God's peace is overwhelmingly amazing when you know it's just right. And you know when it's not God speaking to you or leading you. God will never allow me to get hurt I thought but it's up to me if I lead with my emotions, there can be such a fine line when it involves relationships. No matter what point it is God reminds me of the promises in my life that just blow me away and then His peace encompasses my heart and I know what I need to do.
I am so thankful for the mentors and friendships He is placing in my life! I am humbled even because for a moment coming here I was so closed out to the idea of new friendships and mentors at Thrive Church. But God broke my wall down and I am beginning to do life with ladies who get me and encourage me in ways I never imagined!
SO my nugget is just like when you are working out and you are doing the move correctly you feel your body and muscles burn that is how you know you are doing it right. It is the same with God's peace in our hearts. When you know that you are supposed to do something you do it and you feel God comfort you. Everything happens for a reason and God's timing is so PERFECT and ALWAYS at the right moments!
Keep Going! Don't Quit! Stay Strong! Endure!
baby steps,
don't quit,
keep going,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Day 17: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Long day yesterday. Didn't get to work out till about 11:20pm because of my job right now. I love it just have to find a good time to finish my work out.
Today was great I am on level 3 and it's my second day! Pushing myself to feel change is tough! I'm sweaty and gross and still learning to catch my breath in the midst of cardio. I keep fighting past the struggling point!
Keep fighting for the things you want in life. I think a lot about my ladies church group "Flourish" and the lessons I've learned through the word. If we position ourselves for God to move in our lives, God will fight for us! He will go before us, He will stand behind us and guard us! Sometimes it doesn't feel like the struggle is not even worth it, and like I've said before, we may not find ourselves in the life and blessings that we thought God might have given us but rather fighting through the struggle. The attitude of a thankful heart is pleasing to God! And if we do keep moving forward, fighting for our God given dreams in God's will. It is SO WORTH it! So don't quit, because the end result, the will of God in our lives is worth the fight even if we can't see what's ahead. Have faith! In God's perfect timing He will allow the right people, opportunities and our dreams to "Flourish" in Him. Just like working out the end result can be astonishing and you feel great! Don't Quit!
Keep Fighting, Stay Strong, Don't Quit! Endure
Day 18: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Another late night work out! I was tired! Sorry I fell asleep writing my blog haha! I am building up some more endurance even when it gets tough. I came across a few inspirational photos and this quote made me smile.
"Make each day count." In the fitness world well you have to push yourselves hard enough to see results! Every moment you spend putting toward the goal is another moment won!
Sometimes there are days that I am just like man oh man but regardless of how I "feel" I make sure I give my 100% so I know that when the end results come I worked hard for them.
I have this tendency to just jump ship as my friend puts it when the going gets tough. But I feel like in the past year God has showed me that the end result is worth the wait because it will be God's best for my life.
Keep Going! Don't Quit! Stay Strong! Endure
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Day 16: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
So level 3! Oh I pushed myself today. So she always has someone do a modified version to not strain your body especially if you are not used to it! So my goal in the last week is to do it normal even the advanced version to kick my butt! I did sweat a lot again but it was super great! Through most of the beginning levels I honestly didn't modify the work out move because my muscles felt the pain with the normal move. "No pain, No gain" Right?
Since I've been tagging "Stay Strong" thought the photo was appropriate! Another little secret while I workout I listen to Glee soundtracks! Most are high energy and fun to listen to so it keeps me going and even though I'm winded trying to sing helps my lung capacity for air while moving! :D just a little bonus haha
Stay Stong! Keep Going! Never Quit! Endure!
baby steps,
don't quit,
keep going,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong,
Day 15: 31 Days of Pure Fitness "The Hero In Me Was Tired"
A great image by Manchester-based photographer Rosie Hardy |
I decided to take some extra work hours and the other day one included a 12 hour shift which I couldn't sleep for various reasons. It was a rough weekend physically and emotionally. :( I volunteered for a couple hours and had to head back to work for the night.
Sometimes, let's be real life just really takes it's' toll and the devil uses current and past situations to pull you down! I seem fine on the outside but until you really give it to God it was hurting me inside.
What did I learn yesterday? Leave it in God's hands and He will give me rest, I will find my strength in Him because He has called me to be a better person stronger than I imagined in all circumstances no matter how small or big they may seem to me they matter to God but He will always restore me and protect me!
I was volunteering Saturday morning after work and helped with a community food drive for the city of Parker. Donated to family in need! Oh how I wanted to cry because how people were SOOO generous! I just think how blessed I am to have help even when I don't ask for it so I understand how these people feel. Not everyone may know the needs in your life it's one thing to give it to God because by His grace He will always get you through but do not do life alone it's not how it is meant to be we all need friends and to ask for help.
Yesterday I thought about even through my recent breakthrough, I need to fight for healthy relationships and know that I am loved because He first loved me! With all the running around and all the groceries I helped with I still burned some more calories than normal haha... Thanks for understanding friends
I needed that day to just BE...
Stay Strong! Don't Give Up! Never Quit! Endure
baby steps,
don't quit,
green hand weights,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Day 14: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Okay so today was a little odd because I work at clients houses as a care provider so I had to wait till 11pm to do my work out and then I had no wifi so I could not post.
Well yesterday I found myself a little frustrated. Typical problems people face and frustration sometimes sets it. I my night didn't end well but I was working a 12 hour overnight shift so not sleeping enough may had something to do with it.
I flew through my workout! I think tomorrow I am ready for level 3! I think also being frustrated really just helped me focus and push through but also it was good because your body produces endorphins and endorphins make you happy, well at least chemically haha! Either way I finished in time. I felt great and accomplished!
Tomorrow is a new day and I hope I will do it with a good attitude!
Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Stay Healthy! Endure!
Well yesterday I found myself a little frustrated. Typical problems people face and frustration sometimes sets it. I my night didn't end well but I was working a 12 hour overnight shift so not sleeping enough may had something to do with it.
I flew through my workout! I think tomorrow I am ready for level 3! I think also being frustrated really just helped me focus and push through but also it was good because your body produces endorphins and endorphins make you happy, well at least chemically haha! Either way I finished in time. I felt great and accomplished!
Tomorrow is a new day and I hope I will do it with a good attitude!
Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Stay Healthy! Endure!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Day 13: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Honestly didn't think I could make it today! :( So crazy today I was so tired and not feeling well at all my mood was blah as far as my body goes. Even after my devo today I was like ready to sleep all day! Working 7 hours today took it's toll. It's not a lot but it is. Haha... I was really contemplating on giving up because it got hard today. I just finished my work out about 20 minutes ago. I felt so great pushing through. I made every excuse to quit and each one pretty valid but I kept going. Thank you Jesus!
Every other Thursday my church has it's ladies/men's connect group we met tonight. I was really deciding if I should go or not tonight that was the first time I ever thought about that for Flourish! But I came and shout out to Pastor Tim & Rhonda Forsthoff! They joined us tonight!! Such a lovely surprise! I can't speak for the men but I know Pastor Rhonda brought the word and it was continual confirmation in my walk with God my journey in life and the things He continues to show me! I was so joyful and like usual cried during our prayer breakout for a petition in my personal life :) Yay God!!
You know I always knew what endurance was physically. But spiritually God spoke in my heart that endurance is: "having a thankful heart when there isn't enough" "It is learned when we are hurting." We talked about Esau from the bible how "he let his pain redefine his inheritance." Such a powerful life lesson right?!?!?!?! Sometimes we let our circumstances or people in our lives determine out decisions because we act out of fear, hate, pride, etc. During these life lessons God is simply teaching us to have a thankful heart and trust that HE will NEVER fail. "Can God trust you with trouble? " As we walk out our God given destinies we don't think life could ever get so CRAZY right?... right now I'm walking it out! I can't believe where I am now but I am so thankful for my family, pastors, friends who continually encourage me! God doesn't want me to run away or find comfort in any other things other than His love and stand on His truth! I can have nothing but I still have everything because I am found in God, I AM COMPLETE IN GOD!
SO all you ladies out there so no matter where you find yourself right now, whatever situation or circumstance know that we were designed to ENDURE! Read James 1:3-4 know that you are COMPLETE IN GOD! "DO NOT trade your inheritance in moments of discomfort!"
Today's post I was inspired and encouraged to write about a different perspective on endurance but it def goes right along in fitness training!
Keep going! Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Endure!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Day 12: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Okay so it was a long night last night I stayed up pretty late working on a project. Plus sometimes I just can't sleep. My creative mind was at work had to draw and journal. So luckily I got called off of work and didn't have to go in till 1pm! Yay God! I got to sleep in!
Before work I did my work out. I have to say that doing it earlier in the day I don't feel as tired going to bed. It was a great work out as always, I can really feel my muscles working hard. Also my shoulder is progressively feeling better! Believing for complete healing! It's been so long since I've worked out that I didn't realize I cut cold turkey so my shoulder never warmed up to physical activities after healing in 9 weeks. But working out has been like physical therapy for my shoulder now even more so that I bought my heating/cool pack! It's nice before and after the work out!
These first two levels are building me up to the final level. Which I will do the last two weeks to make it a little challenging and adding my second routine for the day! I got my 21 day trial work out in the mail today excited to start tomorrow! Yay! Working out! Plus I need to ask about going to the indoor rec pool here in Parker. Living where I do say I can get in for free. But I'm starting to think it's just for a community pool. Anyway I want to start swimming vs. running. Haha cardio but without all the sweat. Plus I think it will be great therapy for my lungs and easy on the joints! Loving it! Thank you Jesus!
Keep Going! Stay Strong! Don't Quit!
baby steps,
don't quit,
green hand weights,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong,
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Day 11: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Well I guess I like to work out better in the evening before bed :D I just got done with my work out. Today I did struggle although was drip sweating (gross!! :/) but that's part of wanting more to get back into shape!
My shoulder that was injured is doing a little better. I decided to ask for some advice about some goo stretches. I also went to the store to by a pretty good heat/cool pad that is like a clay therapy so the clay is in the pouch could be heated or frozen to heat and cool my shoulder so excited to do this every day getting it to feel better. Especially since I have injured it badly before and never had it looked at because I have horrible insurance. I might as well be paying out of pocket. :( oh well... I'm thankful for great health!!
The lady at the bank was like why don't you get your boyfriend to massage it for you I was like uh that's not an option yet ? LOL ... she continued on well what about one of your girl friends? I didn't really think to ask? Haha well who know how to massage shoulders well?? I'm coming over!! I need it so bad my poor shoulder is adjusting to this healthy lifestyle lol. Can't wait until tomorrow oh boy it's going to be a busy day. Work out in the morning? I might have to go to bed early :)
Keep Going! Don't Quit! Stay Strong!
baby steps,
don't quit,
green hand weights,
green mat,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy,
stay strong
Monday, March 10, 2014
Day 10: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Okay so literally just finished my workout! I don't know if it is a bad thing that I waited 3 hours after dinner and right before bed to work out? Well I did it! Still building up a sweat. My body is starting to detox.
Found out today that I need to drink half my body weight in ounces of water. So I almost did it today I might finish my last glass before bed ( don't worry I will not have an accident ;p )
Getting positive reinforcement has helped a whole lot! Still doing my research for grocery shopping/meal planning. I am going to start a 21 days cleanse to help me lose weight. I am very excited to start next week! Although I hear it's hard to stick too. I trust in God that He will give me strength and I am going to keep strong!
Sometimes people who don't know you very well like to put you down for no reason. They explain themselves as being realistic. I thought to myself. Well sometimes when we are put to the test. Like Jesus fasting in the bible and satan comes to tempt Him. To turn rocks in to bread. To jump off a cliff because an angel will save him. And each time Jesus responded with scripture. Man shall not live by bread alone... do not test God. I just thought although through the struggle Jesus' foundation was on the word! I am continually learning more scripture and certain ones stick with me easier. But even though negative people or situations come to attack you or tempt you remember on what ground you stand on who your foundation is in! God! I love to know that He ultimately is my creator, my protector, my provider, my deliverer, my strength and more!
Keep Going! Don't Quit! Stay Strong!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Day 9: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Alright people today ended on a good note so I'm on the second week and on level two of three levels I'm going to try to do level 3 for the last two weeks! But I pushed myself my muscles were shaky! Yesterday I struggled today I pushed myself still even through the struggle and well worth the sweat. Honestly haven't sweat like this in a while! apparently my body is releasing toxins. And have been drinking plenty of water!
Loving every minute! Each day is progress even though I don't feel like it today was a good sign of more to come!
Keep going strong! Don't Quit! Discipline!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Day 8: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
Getting it! Day 8 people! This week went by faster than I imagined and we lose an hour of sleep! :( Oh well! Went to work out straight after work today!
I moved up to level 2 on my work out video. I struggled a bit with the moves working different areas of my body but the same speed. I felt great. I feel sore during the work out and after isn't too bad but mainly my lower body is sore everyday and my upper body is somewhat.
I talked to my friend Jen Foss and I have signed up to be her buddy on beachbody work out site she's my coach but being accountable! Really taking this to the next level! Made some great plans to keep going strong!
I am so excited to start a second routine! I hope to get it in the mail in the next two days! SO EXCITING! I remember reading a friends facebook status and said you can spend all day in front of the TV but not spend 30 minutes to work out? I took it to heart and I thought true!! You want results?? You have to work for it!!
SO I'm work work work work work work work work work working out!!! Yay!
Stay Strong! Don't Quit! Keep Going!
baby steps,
don't quit,
green hand weights,
green mat,
keep going,
push it to the limit,
stay healthy
Friday, March 7, 2014
Day 7: 31 Days of Pure Fitness
All I have to say is today went by so fast! I was proud got up this morning to exercise before work!
I caught a little bug of some sort! Never really felt like this before but I won't stop me from my work out! Unless I'm coughing out a lung! Hot tea for me all weekend it is!
I got some great tips from a co-worker today and I just love all the accountability I am getting seriously a God thing! :D
I just encourage those of you who really want to make time to work out and staying fit a part of your life, really find people who will help you through it all! And do research what is healthy for your body type and where you are beginning and just keep going! Do what feels right for you but challenge yourself in every way to see better results... I should be a coach haha... :D
I am so excited on this fitness journey I'm on! Going to start a second routine soon and as well as change my diet up again make it a little more challenging :D Taking those baby steps makes all the difference!
One of my friends from church posted a quote by a great man MLK that talks about taking those little steps of faith you may not know what the next step will look like but if you keep moving along that faith you have will lead you to God's greatest plan in your life!
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